Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Why so serious....?
Anyways I have been having an awesome time with my little bundle o' joy as of late. We love to cuddle up in bed and make silly faces at each other. His new fav is waking me up in the morning with a giant cheesy grin and a giggle that would melt anyones heart. He is growing with leaps and bounds! He is currently outgrowing his 0-3 clothing and will soon be happily filling out the next size up.... And he has learned that sleeping through the night makes for a happier mommy....LOL
He is definitely aware of whats going on, we can't sit in the dark when he is awake because he wants to SEE everything! He is really trying to work his muscles by pulling himself up by my fingers! I swear soon he will be sitting! He definitely recognizes mom and dad, when dad comes home from work and comes up to him, he shows off his big ol' toothless smile.... which in my opinion by the way he is acting won't be toothless much longer! He is drooling a ton and trying to chew on things so I think he may be starting to teethe! Well he is 3 months old now?!?
What? Wait? 3 months? Has it really been that long? Wow, when they say the first year really flies they mean it!
Alright, TTFN and love from MK (AKA Mini-Keith AKA Cameron)
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Babies Galore!
Congrats Nick and Jen on your beautiful little girl!
Can't wait until Wednesday when we will fly to NJ, will post pictures after we get back!
Monday, November 10, 2008
2 Months
We will be traveling out to New Jersey for Thanksgiving so Cameron can meet his Grandpa, Baba, Deda, Aunt Jenna and Uncle David!! We are very excited and feel so lucky to have such a great family that loves us!
As for development, he is getting really good at holding his head up and is starting to smile more. One other strange thing that he does is he takes ahold of a handfull of his own hair and pulls on it until he cries, I don't think he realizes its his hair.....LOL
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Happy Halloween!!
Here are some pics! The sad pumpkin is too much!!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
New Pictures!!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
New Pics
Cameron is doing so great! He has his one month appointment on Friday believe it or not! I can't believe he has been here for almost a month! He is doing well with sleeping, some nights are better than others. We went up to Midland for the weekend because Michael and his girlfriend Carol came up to visit. We had a great time seeing everyone and Grandma was so happy to see her little man. I painted his nursery yesterday so hopefully this weekend we can put up the border and finish it off. I also had my hair chopped off. I hadn't had it that long since middle school! Well gotta run. I have to go to the secretary of state to make us official Michiganians again!
Monday, September 15, 2008
What a week!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Cameron Gage Sylvester is here!!!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
The Good, The Bad, and The Bizarre
THE GOOD-So we finally received the offer from the job in Kalamazoo and it sounds wonderful and Keith has accepted it. We will be moving back to our home state of Michigan.....YAY!!! Closer to family and friends, back into the house that never sold in Battle Creek. I am soooo excited to be home again. It is a huge relief to be closer to my mom and friends. I will be spending a week in Midland before I get to Battle Creek because of the situation so that I will be around people in case something happens with the pregnancy I wont be alone for that week out here in New York.
THE BAD- On the same note, we have to do this very quickly. He received the offer last Thursday and he has to start on August 29th. The reason for this is because the insurance starts the first of the month after he starts which means he has to start in August to get the insurance to start in September (which is necessary because.....I'm PREGNANT) So we have 2 weeks to figure everything out. Plus he will have to drive back out the next weekend to meet the movers in New York, (that is if we can get the movers scheduled for the days we need) On top of everything else, I am 81/2 months pregnant and there is that looming possibility that I will go into pre-mature labor especially with all the issues we have been having. But we have to do what we have to do.
THE BIZARRE- Ok, the story we have all been waiting for. Last night came a knock on our front door. Keith answered and followed the knockers outside. After about 20 mins or so I finally looked outside and saw him and our neighbors from across the street staring at the side of the house and talking intently. I went out to the porch and sat down and they walked around to explain what was going on. The neighbor, Brian, had been parking his vehicle in our next door neighbors driveway and noticed an odd plant in our yard. This plant always seemed large but never seemed to be a cause of concern to us before. But as a worker for the fire department Brian had recognized the plant that, though very rare, had its picture posted like a wanted ad all around his office. It is called the Giant Hogweed and can be 10-15ft tall. Brian called the USDA because this plant is considered very toxic and dangerous. APPARENTLY if you get the sap on your skin and expose it to sunlight, it causes 3rd degree burns and boils. Just what we needed when we just put our house on the market on Thursday. Why don't we use that to advertise huh? "COME BUY THE HOUSE WITH THE NOXIOUS TOXIC PLANT" Now we have to wait for the government to come and inspect the plant and possibly excavate a large portion of our yard so it doesn't re-grow. Who would be expecting something like that???
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
32 weeks!
My doc also said that he is letting me take 2 weeks off "for good behavior" LOL Basically I don't have to come back for 2 weeks because I have been doing so well. That will be a break since I have been going in weekly since I was 22wks. By then I will be 34wks and hopefully they will lift the restrictions on my bedrest!!! Keith and I have come to the conclusion that because we were all so worried about going so early that I will end up being a week overdue and they will have to induce. HA!
Keith is playing a bit of phone tag with the company that he interviewed with. Hopefully it all goes in our favor! We could use some good news right now! Keep your fingers crossed. I forgot to take a belly pic this week but if I feel up to getting dressed any time I will try to take one soon. Ta Ta for now!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
More Fun Pictures
Friday, August 1, 2008
Sleep Deprivation.........
I went to the doc's yesterday. Everything is still on track. 30 weeks down, 10 to go... 4 more weeks until I can start slowly moving again. I can smell the freedom! I took some pics but haven't had a chance to download them yet. Maybe tomorrow or the next day. We'll see what happens.
Our dog, Molly, seems to be having some issues lately so we have to take her to the vets on Monday. I think female labs are prone to ear infections or something because she gets at least one a year and her mother gets them all the time too. Strange.
Got to share a funny story. If you don't know, along with our dog we have 3 cats. Binx, Medea, and Freud. Well, Freud seems to be of the opinion that he is more dog than cat. He eats dog food, sleeps in the dog kennel, plays roughly with the dog, chases the other cats....etc. Most times he plays with Molly he just lets her eat him and wags his tail. The other day I was watching them and Molly laid on the floor and Freud got on her head and started attacking her neck and ears like a real dog would. I mean he isn't a small cat by any means but come on!! Molly is a full grown LAB. And she just submits to his torment!! Oh I will never understand the world of animals, but they are just so entertaining, right??
Thursday, July 24, 2008
29 Weeks and going strong!!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Nursery and update!
Monday, July 7, 2008
Weekly Appointment
Friday, July 4, 2008
Fourth Of July!!
The other night we were laying in bed and the baby was kicking up a storm. I put Keith's hand on my belly and he felt every little motion, including when he stretched out and kept his foot there. Keith said he could feel the shape of his little foot!! I think I saw a little tear glisten in his eye....
We have another appointment on Monday morning so I will update after that, hopefully everything is still going good. I am really disappointed that I am going to miss out on all the fun summer activities this year, like renaissance fairs, carnivals, swimming, amusement parks, and just being outside in general. I swear when I go in to deliver the nurses better not complain about being blinded by my whiteness..... but it's worth it for this little guy!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Once you start, you just can't stop!
Little Boy has been kicking and punching around in there for a few weeks now. I started to really tell the difference between the flutters and the kicks at about 20 wks. When I was in the hospital Keith was lucky enough to feel him send out a roundhouse kick(We still think he is training for ninja school!) My mom also felt him once when she was here helping us out.
As for names.... I keep getting asked what we are naming him, and this is the explaination you will get every time! We have a few names in consideration, but have decided that if or when we pick one, we are not announcing it until he is born. Why, you ask? Because I have this fear that we will announce a name and then when he gets here we will change our minds and either have to go through the trouble of explaining it or stick with the name we no longer like. So there.
The First Entry!
So Here I am, just shy of 26 weeks along, and just now starting one of these journal thingies. I am the worst at procrastinating but Oh well. My original plan was to do a video journal with my camera but I really don't have the motivation to get myself all dolled up everytime I want to make an entry.
The picture is 25wks5days. I am to self conscious to take a picture with my shirt up. So I am sticking with this until I feel comfortable...if I ever do. I have a full body shot but Keith took it and I look like an Amazon woman. So no posting that! I will try to take another when I get ready for my next appt. (I will take it myself in the mirror!!)
So now for the update on the pregnancy, sorry to everyone that has heard all this a million times! On Thursday June 5th, 2008 I went in for a routine ultrasound and the technician happened to check and noticed that my cervix was extremely short for 22wks(it was at 1.5cm, normal length is above 3cm). I was immediately sent to Crouse Hospital in Syracuse, NY where I was monitored for the weekend. On Monday, it had not had actually gotten worse (1.1cm) They decided to keep me there and monitor it for another week. Wednesday it had stayed the same, then Friday it had stayed the same as well. They believed that I was stable and because I was not having any risk factors for pre-term labor(contractions, water breaking, bleeding) they decided it was safe to send me home, to continue complete bedrest.
Since then I have been home and have had weekly check-ups and seem to be doing better. The first check-up showed improvement (1.1 to 1.4) and the check up we had yesterday was fantastic (1.4 to 2.35!!!) I am still on bedrest and probably will be for a while.
Poor Keith, I feel so bad that I can't do ANYTHING! He works all day, has to come home for lunch and make me food. Then he has to do all the housework and yardwork. He says it doesn't matter, but I know he is exhausted. :(