Zoey is 3 months old today!! Time is just flying by because we are so busy. We have finished moving everything into the new house and are well underway getting things organized. This weekend we are having a garage sale with a couple of friends. We are going to have fun!!
Next week I am taking Cameron to a bounceland here in Kalamazoo with a friend and her kids. I am excited to get him out with other kids and get some excersize at a fun place. Who knows, if it is really fun we might have to go more often!
Next weekend we have an open house at Keith's work. He has been working here for 2 years now and I have never seen where he works! So we are excited for that.
I have decided that we are going to start potty training Cameron when Keith is off of work for the holidays. I can't wait to only have one in diapers again!
Zozo is doing really well. She is sleeping through the night. Most nights from 11pm to 7am. She is sitting up mostly unsupported. She can almost pull herself up into a sitting position from laying down. I can usually get both kids down for a nap around 1pm. It is really nice to have a few hours of "Me" time during the day. I love my kids so much but sometimes I need to do things like... Well like this....
Cameron is such a little person. He wants to help any way that he can. He takes the diapers and throws them away. He puts the laundry in the hamper. He cleans up his own toys at night before bed. He loves to close all the doors behind us. He is absorbing things I never knew he could. Last night Keith was reading him his Blue's Clues book and he was pointing to and saying ALL of the characters!
He can count to 3. He can spell Zoey. He can point to and say just about all of the body parts.
BUT he is just as stubborn as his parents! Yesterday we were getting ready to go to the grocery store and I asked him to pick up his megablocks that were all over the floor. He said "No, Mommy do" I told him I would help him but I wouldn't do it for him. He kept pointing to them and saying "No, Mommy do." Well it took about an hour and a few trips to time-out but he finally picked them up! Goodness he knows how to push my buttons!
Quote of the Day: Moving On
5 years ago